Meet Altec Print Sales Rep, Dian Palmquist
We're happy to bring you another interview highlighting one of our special representatives that you enjoy talking to. This month, we’re proud to spotlight Dian Palmquist. Dian has been a print rep at Altec for over 17 years and handles customers across the United States. She brings valuable industry knowledge to the Altec print division. Get to know Dian!
How would you describe your role at Altec?

I am my customer’s advocate, always looking for a better way to meet their print needs by suggesting improvements or alternatives to their current printed forms. I am their DEDICATED rep so they only talk to me when they call Altec. (Unless of course, I am out of the office). My customers count on me to help keep track of their inventory, rescue them when an emergency arises and look out for their best interests; to give them the best value for their money.
What excites you most about the Print division at Altec?
My job is not exciting but it is challenging. Every day is different. I have daily tasks to accomplish but it is the interaction with my customers throughout the day that keeps me energized. My customers are spread across the country from Hawaii to the Bahamas, so I have to plan my call schedule for the various time zones.
What do you find most rewarding in your role?
Giving my customers excellent service and their gratitude for taking good care of their needs. I love it when a customer says “Dian, how did you know I needed checks? I have a note on my desk to call you!”
What are some of your hobbies?
I love to read. You could say I’m addicted to reading. If I don’t have a book to read I go into withdrawals. A magazine or newspaper won’t do. Has to be a book…
I have a deck/patio that I grow flowers and plants on and I enjoy sewing and crafting.
What product or service did you offer a customer lately that they did not expect?
My customer couldn’t figure out what was making streaks on her checks. We did some troubleshooting on the printer and on the paper but couldn’t find the source. Then I asked her where she got her MICR toner. She said her IT guys order it. I had her check the box and it was “re-manufactured” toner. That was the problem! Altec does not sell or recommend using this toner because it does not give consistent results. My customer was thrilled!