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Did You Know Altec Designs and Prints Post-it® Notes?

Customized 3M Post-it Notes by Altec

How many times have you needed to jot down a quick thought, number or important message, but could not find a handy notepad close by? We all know how convenient it is to have notepads within reach at the office. Well, here is a little known fact about Altec’s print division – we sell Post-it® Notes! That’s right – Altec designs and prints 3M Post-it® sticky notes that can be customized to your liking with company logos, colors or as much brand identity as the package will hold. Whether it’s a standard 3” x 3” or the super sleek 1” x 3” size, there are great colorful varieties to choose from.

Marguerite Lehr, a print representative at Altec, describes them as one of her most fun, favorite products to offer. “I love when our customers want Post-its!”

Marguerite recalls the time she created a set of Post-it® sticky notes for a New York customer who easily trusted her with the task. “I want you to design something for me,” said the customer.

After receiving the company logo and accurate CMYK colors for print, Marguerite’s creativity went to work. She attempted different sizes, placements and variations of the design for the customer. Swiftly, Marguerite accomplished an eye-catching design that she liked. What was the result? “The customer loved it!” exclaimed Marguerite.

Altec helps thousands of customers nationwide with productivity and brand promotion with the help of made-to-order Post-it® Notes. Ready to order a customized pack for your company or customers? Contact us today!

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